Virtual Reality helps users to experience a situation using a VR headset, within a computer-generated interactive environment. The simulation process is immersive, and it requires special 3D-glasses with a screen, or haptic gloves that provide sensory feedback. This process helps the user learn and train from the virtual world.
VR is used in various healthcare sectors through a variety of applications. These include training for both students and physicians, patient treatment, medical marketing, and awareness to people regarding a disease, a medical condition or a process. The global market for VR is more than 4 billion dollars.
1. VR In Medical Training
Almost any kind of medical situation can be simulated with VR, helping students to deal with real life situations. This process is followed by debriefing and feedback, which allows them to learn from their mistakes. The flexibility that it is not always necessary for the trainer to be present at the time of training, makes VR more attractive. Training also helps students mimic common surgical situations.
VR also helps medical professionals visualize human body interiors in detail, unveiling various inaccessible areas. For example, students learn dissection of cadavers through human anatomy via VR.
2. VR For Planning Complex Operations
VR is extremely useful for planning complex operations before the surgeons conduct the actual operation. It helps the team discuss the entire surgical process and rehearse their planned movements.
All the compiled data from CT, MRI and ultrasounds are complemented by haptics and VR. The reconstruction process feels and looks like an actual patient in surgical surroundings. VR offers many practical benefits like on-site coaching, with progressive exposure therapy filled with real sensory experience of the trigger situation increasing the technique power.
3. Pain Management
VR also helps patients in relieving their pain and rehabilitation. Immersive VR is very effective to distract a patient thus relieving the pain of such patients, especially when the use of sedation is contraindicated. In a regular physical therapy session, VR helps in shortening the recovery time and makes it easier for patients who are doing their exercises. VR takes their attention away from the pain they are facing and takes them to an alternative reality that simultaneously motivates and encourages them to complete their desired task.
4. VR In Rehabilitation and Therapy
VR helps patients in overcoming mobility problems and balance caused due to a head injury and stroke. Through VR-Rehabilitation, patients can regain physical abilities. Studies have shown that stroke patients have more improvements in hand and arm movements in comparison to conventional rehab after therapy.
Simply put, the potential of VR in the medical sector is huge, and with time people would be more and more dependent on VR and every day they are finding new ways to improve peoples’ lives.